Thursday, April 5, 2012

In the Home Stretch!

It is truly hard to believe that we are in the home stretch!  On Monday Lisa was 35 weeks along...only 5 more weeks to go! 

Now that Rodeo is over she is focusing on getting her internship and portfolio finished up.  Her internship will be finished after next week and then she will spend a couple of days at the Texas Library Association's annual conference which is here in Houston this year.  Exciting stuff!  Her portfolio is due April 23rd, so that is right around the corner too.  Then all she needs to do is find a job as a librarian!  Anyone know of a school that is hiring??

Tuna is starting to get very busy with Prestige Green.  He has gotten quite a few nice jobs in the past few weeks along with his regular maintenance that has kept him working from sun up to sun down.  We are very happy at the progress of the company!

Chickpea has been spoiled rotten these past few weeks with lots of love and lots of shower gifts.  We are so overwhelmed at the generosity of our friends and family.  The room is coming along.  The crib is set-up and most everything is washed and put away.  We feel like if Baby Nguyen came sooner rather than later we would have enough to get by.  But let's not hope for the sooner part...later is MUCH better! 

Lisa had an appointment on March 26th.  This was the 34 weeks check-up.  Everything looked good for both Lisa and the Chickpea.  We are so thankful!  The doctor encouraged us to go to birthing classes, but we have decided to not do that.  We have watched a few videos and have pretty much decided to expect the unexpected.  In an ideal world Lisa's water would break, we would head to the hospital, Lisa would get an epidural, and the Chickpea would be born.  But if it doesn't go that way, we are OK with that.  If the doctor recommends a c-section, we are OK with that.  Bottom line is we want a healthy baby and a healthy mom!  I mean, can you really prepare for birth?  Maybe to an extent...

After the check-up Lisa headed over the hematologist upon the recommendation of her OB.  As you may recall, blood work from October and February came back a little concerning and so off she went to the specialist.  He was very nice and looked at the results that were sent over, asked a lot of questions, and drew more blood (Lisa is getting very good at this giving blood thing!).  He got some preliminary results back and he was not overly concerned.  He suspects that Lisa has been anemic for along while.  His recommendation was to go on iron supplements.  He also recommended that Lisa's OB run another set of tests closer to delivery to make sure that certain blood levels were not too low.  It was a scary visit for Lisa as she was at an oncology center and Leukemia was talked about during the visit.  But she was assured by the doctor that everything was OK and not at that level of concern.  The doctor called the next day and confirmed that an iron supplement was the prescribed course of action.  He also mentioned that this may be a supplement that may need to be a lifetime commitment (which is not a pleasant thought as iron supplements can have some lovely side effects).  But overall everything is A-OK!

Chickpea has taken to getting the hiccups at least twice a day now.  And they last for so long!  We always feel so bad that they last so long!  The baby has pretty much abandoned little twitches and kicks and has moved on to a full-on internal assault on Lisa's ribs!  She jokes that she is so uncomfortable when driving that she has resorted to a "gangsta lean" in the car in order to be comfortable! 

The next appointment is Monday the 9th of April.  Lisa was informed that the doctor will be checking to see if she is dilated!  Oh my!  This is getting really real!  After this appointment it will be every week.  WOW!

Thanks for reading our blog!

Tuna and Lisa

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