Monday, January 30, 2012

14 Weeks Until "Baby Time" - HOLY BUSINESS!

On Thursday the 26th we had our latest appointment.  It was just a regular check-up, so no ultrasounds or anything exciting like that.  We saw the doctor this time and chatted for a few minutes before she took the belly measurement and used the doppler to hear the baby's heartbeat.  When she first placed the doppler on Lisa's belly we immediately heard the heartbeat and then it stopped.  She had to take a little more time to find where the baby had squirmed to in order to find the heartbeat again.  Tuna said that is scared him at first...Lisa knew it was typical of the baby to do that!   The doctor said that everything looked really good and we are always so thankful to hear that. 

The next appointment is on Valentine's and has to be done at 28 weeks - this is when the Glucose test is administered.  For this test Lisa has to fast for 12 hours and then consume an orange flavored drink that is chock-full of sugar.  Blood will be drawn in order to tell how her body reacts to the mass intake of sugar.  Essentially, it tests for the possibility of gestational diabetes.  Hopefully she will pass the test and not have to do the three hour test! 

Lisa's belly is growing everyday and we need to take a picture to post.  The chief complaint she has is sleep - or lack there of.  We talked to the doctor about Lisa sleeping on her back and she confirmed that it is not a healthy position.  Here is a little information from regarding that:

What positions should I avoid?

Sleeping on your back: This can cause problems with backaches, breathing, digestive system, hemorrhoids, low blood pressure and decrease in circulation to your heart and your baby. This is a result of your abdomen resting on your intestines and major blood vessels (the aorta and vena cava).
Sleeping on your stomach: When you are farther along in your pregnancy, your abdomen undergoes physical changes and makes it more difficult for you to lay on your stomach.

Of course stomach sleeping (Lisa's #1 choice) was out a while ago and back sleeping (Lisa's choice #2) is now out!  How come no one tells you about this stuff?!!?

In other exciting news...
We have decided on a boy name!  And no, we are not telling anyone.  :)  We have 5 names on the girl list and we really like all of them and can't decide.  And no, we aren't telling those either!  Middle names were decided a while back.  We are planning on actually registering soon.  Hopefully.  We are still overwhelmed by everything, but we will figure it out.  Let's see...we got the bed moved out of the guest room and the armoire has found a home...we just have to get it over there.  We are using the dresser that was in the guest room and will purchase a crib (hopefully soon!).  We plan to have the baby in a crib in our room for the first few months...simply for the ease of it.  The baby is squirming around and very active.  Anytime Tuna tries to feel for the kicks and squirms they immediately stop!  Apparently the baby is quite stubborn and this frustrates Tuna! 

Many people have asked what Lisa's work plans are and how much time she will be spending at home with the baby.  As of today the plan is for her to stay home after the baby is born - until August.  So she would be home from early May to the beginning of August.  Then in August she will (HOPEFULLY) be returning to the school setting as a librarian in a school district closer to home.  If a librarian position does not open for her, it will most likely mean going back to to the classroom.  Lisa has been extremely blessed to have been able to work for her dad and if she could just move his office closer to home then working for him would be great.  But alas, it is not, and so she will be leaving the office in May. 

That is about all the excitement for now...HLSR BBQ is right around the corner and then Rodeo...YEE HAW!  Tuna will probably running around Reliant solo quite a bit this year, so if you see him, please make sure he stays out of trouble!

Thanks for reading our blog!
Tuna and Lisa



  1. Can you talk a bit more about the home you found for the bed? That place really sounds fantastic...

  2. I need photographic evidence of its placement to verify its fung shui-ness before speaking of said bed!
