Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The "Motherload"

We had a wonderful surprise on Friday night.  Lisa's mom surprised us with a shopping spree for baby items!  It was an overwhelming thought at first, but we quickly wrapped our brains around the idea.  We all loaded up in the car (Tuna, Lisa, Frankie, and Bonna) and headed to Target for all of the fun!

Admittedly, the task was daunting and Tuna kept picking out clothes that were toddler size, but we got the hang of it.  It was also tough to ignore all of the adorable boy and girl outfits.  But we vowed to stay strong and stick with neutral items.  We also bought blankets, towels, sheets, and a variety of bath products.  We were so surprised at how small the newborn diapers were!  Holy moly!

We have already put the items in the drawers and below are a few pictures:

 (check out the giraffe footies...SO stinkin' cute!)

We had a great time shopping and can't thank "Grummies" enough for the wonderful surprise! 

We also got a package in the mail from Lisa's college roommate, Lisa.  See the picture below:

Rock Chalk Jayhawk!  We (well, Lisa actually) can't wait until the baby is big enough to wear it!

With all of these fun things it seems like all we need is the baby, right?  ;)

Upcoming...we have a level 2 ultrasound tomorrow and it will be so great to see more detailed pictures of our chickpea!

Until our next update thanks for reading and keeping up with us and our journey into parenthood!

Tuna and Lisa

1 comment:

  1. What fun I had! Thanks for allowing me to "be a part" of your excitement! Guess I'm gonna need to get a second job so I can buy all the adorable stuff I want to get for "Chickpea" . . . !!!! What a GREAT TIME!!!
