From the second we walked in the door she was running...everywhere! I began sweating the moment I walked in the door and didn't stop until we got home. The second Abbie got in the door she took off running...with reckless abandon! She was like a pinball bouncing off of people's legs. She was going up and down stairs (3 steps) like a seasoned veteran...although it was her first time doing so. She was darting across several bowling lanes, some of which were not our lanes. She was "introducing" herself to strangers (I guess we need to talk about that one) and even attempting to rearrange the bowling balls.
I decided to take her to the video game section. I couldn't keep up. She tried out Dance Revolution, sat atop the motorcycle game, helped some guys play Pop-A-Shot, was mesmerized by the taillights of a snowmobile game, and just ran amuck with me following close behind, apologizing to folks.
Today was the first day where she didn't want me to help her with anything. I could hear her saying, in her baby mind, "I got this mom...I don't need your help!" Sad Mommy.
We headed back to the bowling and she slowed down enough to get a few nibbles of pizza (her first time). She was pretty indifferent to it. She also sucked down her sippy full of milk...and I'd think so after running the equivalent of a marathon in baby distance.
I thought the party was winding down, but in fact the kids were about to play laser tag. I knew I couldn't keep up with her anymore and I threw in the proverbial towel. We said our good-byes and headed home. In the back of my mind I know that she could have kept on going, and going, and going...but not this mommy. I tapped out.
Here is the only picture from the day...with the birthday girl herself!