Saturday, June 29, 2013

Abbie - 1 and Mommy - 0

Today was cousin Maddie's 8th birthday party.  It was at a place called "Main Event" which is a close cousin of Dave and Busters.  Needless to say, for a newly walking, ready to explore the world, one year old this was sensory overload!  

From the second we walked in the door she was running...everywhere!  I began sweating the moment I walked in the door and didn't stop until we got home.  The second Abbie got in the door she took off running...with reckless abandon!  She was like a pinball bouncing off of people's legs.  She was going up and down stairs (3 steps) like a seasoned veteran...although it was her first time doing so.  She was darting across several bowling lanes, some of which were not our lanes.  She was "introducing" herself to strangers (I guess we need to talk about that one) and even attempting to rearrange the bowling balls.  

I decided to take her to the video game section.  I couldn't keep up.  She tried out Dance Revolution, sat atop the motorcycle game, helped some guys play Pop-A-Shot, was mesmerized by the taillights of a snowmobile game, and just ran amuck with me following close behind, apologizing to folks.  

Today was the first day where she didn't want me to help her with anything.  I could hear her saying, in her baby mind, "I got this mom...I don't need your help!"  Sad Mommy. 

We headed back to the bowling and she slowed down enough to get a few nibbles of pizza (her first time).  She was pretty indifferent to it.  She also sucked down her sippy full of milk...and I'd think so after running the equivalent of a marathon in baby distance.  

I thought the party was winding down, but in fact the kids were about to play laser tag.  I knew I couldn't keep up with her anymore and I threw in the proverbial towel.  We said our good-byes and headed home.  In the back of my mind I know that she could have kept on going, and going, and going...but not this mommy.  I tapped out.  

Here is the only picture from the day...with the birthday girl herself!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

I Love Summer!

It has been a busy summer, so far!  The first weekend after school was out I left for Pennsylvania.  My second cousin, Ashleigh, got married in a beautiful historic barn.  

The barn was located near the Frank Lloyd Wright designed house, Fallingwater.  You have probably seen it...the cantilevered house with the waterfall under it.

It is a spectacular area and should not be missed if you are anywhere near there.  We also toured Laurel Caverns, adventured around Cucumber Falls, and tried not to get too lost.  The view from our hotel, The Summit Inn, was spectacular. 

It was great to spend time with family at such a happy occasion.  But I missed my family.  Tuna had just gotten home from a job in south Texas, so he and Abbie stayed home.  But they were sure busy, too.  The went to Brenham with Grandpa and GG, played with the Delco girls, went to a Skeeter's game and just had a great time being together.   Real daddy/daughter bonding time.

This past weekend we took Abbie to Beaver's for brunch!  Yummy!  

Abbie and I have taken it easy this week hanging at home.  Tuna leaves for Pecos tomorrow and we are quite sad about that.  28 days without Daddy is no fun.  Luckily, Abbie and I will be quite busy.  We are heading to Colorado next week with Grandpa and GG.  Then Dallas the weekend after we get back.  Then daddy gets home that Friday!  Yeah!

Abbie is weighing in at 21.5 pounds, has two teeth on the bottom and four on the top.  Our little girl is growing up too fast!  She is saying mama, dada, nana (banana...which is obviously confused for the word more), uh oh, and "dat".  "Dat" is accompanied with pointing and she is trying to ask, "what is that"?  It is too cute...but dang, it lasts all day long!  I wouldn't change it for the world!

I gave her one of my old Vera Bradley purses and she will not put it down. It has to be the cutest thing ever!  You can kind of see her with it below.

How cute is that?  

Tomorrow is swimming with Auntie Dani and a relaxing weekend getting ready for our road trip to Colorado!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

School's Out!

So I am finished with school and couldn't be happier...two solid months with my little girl!  Happy, happy, happy!  Although tomorrow will be Abbie's last day at daycare because I am moving my stuff to  my new school!  

I will work this summer on trying to find a balance between staying home with her and getting her out.  I also need to find a group of other moms who have kids so she can get some socialization time.  Hopefully we can find our way to the library, early morning walks, pool time, and just getting out and seeing the world.  The heat will be a factor, but I am sure we can find a nice balance.

We will also be looking for a new daycare over the summer.  I think we have a pretty good lead on a lady in the neighborhood and will be contacting her next week.  I am excited about this prospect!  The teachers at her current daycare really love her and care for her, but the director has done many things that I feel are bordering on unethical.  And if that is what I have seen or found out, then what goes on behind closed doors?

Abbie has recovered nicely from her double ear infection.  She has cut one tooth up top and I am sure the other one is coming.  She is also pointing to everything, yet nothing specific, and saying, "Dat?".  I am sure she is trying to say, "What's that?" and it is so cute!  Of course, it is exhausting, too!  By the end of the day I find myself saying "I don't know"!  She is also walking - unofficially.  It isn't official until Daddy sees it.  But she is definitely walking!  So many changes for Abs!  

Sunday, June 2, 2013

5 Days Away and Her First Ear Infection(s)

I spent 5 days away from my little girl over Memorial Day Weekend.  It was the longest I have been away from her and to complicate things Tuna was out of town.  Luckily we had family step-up and she stayed with them.  Preparing to leave for Knoxville, TN for DI Globals was no easy feat.  Making substitute plans for three days for my very "spirited" classes took a week and figuring out how to get Abbie from my mom's to Billy and Joyce's took a bit of coordinating.  And then, as things go, Abbie developed a double ear infection!  Of course she did...!

It started Monday with a call from daycare about her gunky eyes.  Interestingly they were only gunky at school.  Anyways...I get her to the doctor on Tuesday and low and behold...double ear infections.  Then the medicine they give could cause a massive break-out and the ear infection could get worse before it gets better.  No sweat...

Luckily, our family was happy to take care of her even with the ear infections and did and awesome job!  We appreciate them so much!  I missed her so much, but luckily I was super-busy in Knoxville.  But I was very happy to see her when I got back!

Abbie with her cousins Madison and Justin

A silly picture Joyce took and one of my DI-ers made this from the original!

Tuna will be back on Thursday or Friday and we are SO ready!  This weekend my dad and Guilford took Abbie and in and we went to dinner at a place called The Last Concert Cafe.  It is near downtown and is some of the best Mexican food I have ever eaten (thanks Uncle Phil for the rec).  We have given Abbie limes before, but this is the first time we caught it n camera (sorry Abs...I love you).

Abbie LOVING limes...

Grandpa, Abbie and me!

One more week of school stuff and then it is off for the summer!  Yippee!  I can't wait!  No big plans...just time with my little girl!